General Account Information
To view your account information or make any changes click your name in the top menu. A drop down box will appear:
Change Password, Email, Username, or Name
To make any of the above changes to your account click My Info from the drop down box. From there you can make changes to your account information. If you change your first or last name and would like the updated name reflected on your certificates please email
Reviewing and Downloading Certificates
To review your certificates, when they expire, or download them click My Certificates from the drop down box. You will be brought to a screen that shows all your certificates. You can preview them, see when they expire and download them by clicking the download button on the far right side of the course tab.
Some courses (like Standard First Aid and Food Handlers) have certificates from those agencies (only a record of attendance will appear here). To review a copy of those certificates please see the section Reviewing My Files below.
Reviewing my Files
To review certificates from other agencies or any files attached to your profile from an employer, click My Files from the drop down box. Here you can download or review any Standard First Aid certificate or a copy of a Food Handlers certificate if you have them. Your employer may also have their own certificates or policies attached to your profile in this files section. If you have recently completed SFA or Food Handlers and a copy of your certificate is not located here please email
Booking for In-Class Courses and Taking Online Courses
In-Class Courses
To register for an in-class course please contact your supervisor. They will coordinate with Mindwell Rx Academy to book you for an in-class date. Please do not register yourself. Once you have been registered you will receive an automated email from Mindwell Rx Academy detailing the date, time, location and if there is any pre-course for that in-class date. You will also receive a two day reminder email. Once you have completed the course you will be sent an email link to your certificate. If you have any questions about the in-class course please email
Course Catalog
If a course does not automatically appear on your homepage you can add it from the course catalog (located on the right toolbar). From the course catalog click Get This Course. This will not register you for any in-class date if the course has one but will simply add the course to your profile. You can see what type of course it is by seeing the category under the title (Example: In-Class Course, Online Course, In-Class Course with Online Pre-Course etc.). If you'd like to see the calendar of upcoming in-class courses please select Get This Course for all courses you are interested in. See the section below for how to review the calendar.
Course Calendar
To review all up coming in-class courses, you can review the calendar by clicking it in the right toolbar. Ensure you have added all courses you want to see to your profile beforehand (only courses you've added will appear). Once you have reached the calendar it will automatically only show My Events. This means only courses you have been registered for an in-class date will appear. To see the entire catalog click the My Events tab above the calendar and select All Available Events. You can then click a course to see it's time, date, location, if it has a pre-course, and how many spots are available. The available spots will be in ALL CAPS in the course description. Once again, if you'd like to register for a in-class course please contact your supervisor or if you are unsure email
Online Courses and Pre-Courses
Online courses can be added from the course catalog and be taken at anytime. You can complete it all at once or in parts (your progress will be saved). Once you complete the course you will automatically receive a certificate.
Some in-class courses will have a pre-course. This might be done through the course on Mindwell Rx or through another website. The course description will explain but at the bottom of this page there will be a description of our courses.
Courses also have a files section. This can be seen on the course homepage or in the top menu bar when you are taking the course. There can be information or course materials to download from there depending on the course.
Our Courses
In-Class Courses
Please complete any pre-courses before attending an in-class date
Standard First Aid Full Certification: Online pre-course through the Red Cross. You will receive an email with a link to take the course. The in-class session is one full day.
Standard First Aid Re-certification: Online pre-course through the Red Cross. You will receive an email with a link to take the course. The in-class session is one half day.
Non-Violent Crisis Prevention Intervention: Online pre-course through Mindwell. It consists of reading 6 chapters and completing the study guide. The in-class session is one full day.
Food Handlers: Pre-course is reading the food handlers manual and completing the 80 questionnaire. Contact your employer for a copy of the food handlers manual and you can download the questionnaire from the files section of the course. The in-class session is one half day.
Health and Personal Care: There is no pre-course. The in-class session is one half day.
Online Courses
All these courses are fully online:
WHMIS 2015
Medication Awareness
Medication Awareness ReCertification
Fire and Life
Positive Behaviour Supports
Person Centred Planning