Fire and Life Safety
Online Course
Core Competencies
Fire and Life Safety
This is the online course for Fire and Life Safety. You will be taught fire basics, classes of fires, fire hazards, fire equipment, emergency measures planning, fighting a fire, and evacuation. This course is a series of presentations and videos...
Food Handlers
In-Class Course (with Online Pre-Course)
Open Course
Food Handlers
Participants will be introduced to the Canadian Food Retail and Food Services Regulations and Code, Health Canada and CFIA. Upon completion participants will be certified in basic Food Safety through TrainCan Inc. This is a blended course meaning...
Health and Personal Care
Online Course
Core Competencies
Health and Personal Care
Online course. The participants will be introduced to current concepts of health and personal care. The participant will be aware of the importance of providing support that promotes positive self-esteem, self determination and interdependence in...
Medication Awareness Original
Online Course
Core Competencies
Medication Awareness Original
This is the full Medication Awareness course from Mindwell Rx Academy. The course is lectured by Keith Cockersell who is a pharmacist and retired primary health care nurse practitioner. This course prepares caregivers in group homes, RCFs,...
Medication Awareness Recertification
Online Course
Core Competencies
Medication Awareness Recertification
This is the Medication Awareness Recertification course from Mindwell Rx Academy. The course is lectured by Keith Cockersell who is a pharmacist and retired primary health care nurse practitioner. There are two modules on medication basics and...
Non-Violent Crisis Prevention Intervention (MANDT)
In-Class Course (with Online Pre-Course)
Open Course
Non-Violent Crisis Prevention Intervention (MANDT)
The participants will be certified in non-violent crisis intervention training through the MANDT system. The training will focus on a non-aversive behavioural support program designed to de-escalate potentially negative situations, manage crisis...
Person Centred Planning
Online Course
Core Competencies
Person Centred Planning
This is a fully online course. The participants will be introduced to the concept of person centred planning. The training will help staff to develop care plans that support individuals using services through a person centred approach. This...
Positive Behaviour Supports
Online Course
Core Competencies
Positive Behaviour Supports
This is a fully online course. The participants will be introduced to the concept of positive behaviour supports. The training will encourage positive relationships that are based on respect, dignity and participation in decision-making. This...
Standard First Aid Certification Blended
In-Class Course (with Online Pre-Course)
Open Course
Standard First Aid Certification Blended
This blended Standard First Aid Certification course involves an online pre-course through the Red Cross and an in-class training session with Mindwell Rx Academy. This course is open to all agencies please contact
Standard First Aid Recertification
In-Class Course (with Online Pre-Course)
Open Course
Standard First Aid Recertification
This blended Standard First Aid course involves an online pre-course through the Red Cross and an in-class training session with MindwellRx Academy. Starting Jan 1, 2025 this course will be a full-day in-class session with no online pre-course....

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